Golden Oldies – COVID-19 Update

We have received official word from VSL in regard to the Golden Oldies Tournament in Denver. The following message was delivered to us.

“In discussion with the Local Organising Committee it has regrettably been decided that the Golden Oldies Rugby Festival planned for Denver in June is to be postponed until late April or early May next year. The recent decisions on travel restrictions and access to the United States and the increasing incidence of the Coronavirus has made the decision inevitable. The Local Organising Committee has a meeting tomorrow and are conferring on dates and these plus other details will be released in the next day or two. The details will include some positive benefits for those teams attending the Festival.”

“Further details and planning will be passed on to Team Managers as soon as they become available but regrettably the postponement is in place.”

As far as kits, we are developing a plan with Paladin currently. More information to come, as we solidify the plan. We wanted you to be informed as soon as possible on the above decision.