Englewood Rugby Festival Old Boys game – Thank you!

Good day, Gentlemen

First of all my thanks to Rugby Colorado, Mick Mullens Irish Pub and the City of Englewood for the opportunity to put some Old Boys Rugby on display!

What a great show Saturday was for Youth, Highschool and Old Boys Rugby in particular! The little ones, swarming the ball in the morning, were amazed that Grandpa is still playing and the Highschool boys/girls realized that they could have 50+ years of playing Rugby to look forward too!

Of course I had hoped to sit on the sidelines and watch the Red of the Highlander Old Boys clash with the Orange of the Queen City Old Boys. It was not to be, but Old Boys Rugby never disappoints! The Highlander Old Boys got their Vail Cluster Fuck Rugby Festival (August 14th, 2021) warm up, but against the Purple of the Colorado (S) Old Boys. The warm-up wasn’t served on a plate either. The mix of Queen City (spread the word boys!), Harlequins, CSOB stragglers, Barbos, Marauders, C. Springs, Littleton Scotts, Youth Coaches and freshman Old Boys made the game very competitive. It was great to hear that the Highschool kids were impressed by the quality of Rugby we put on display.

Colorado Old Boys Rugby is blooming and that is thanks to all of you! The CSOBs will continue to organize games and to bring Old Boys together, but we need you to spread the word and put the enthusiasm in the Old Boys of your club! When you do (Harlequins & Queen City!), then let me or Bill Gregg, CSOB Match Secretary, know and we’ll get you a game!

Yours in Old Boys Rugby

Paul Ijs (Ice)

CSOB Prez.