CSOB Board Meeting – 3/13/2023

Location: Recess Beer Garden
Time: 6:30 to 8:30

Attendees: Paul Ijs (President), Chris Olson (VP), Keith Slate (Treasurer), Bill Gregg (Match Secretary), Brad Lawrence (Assistant Equipment Manager), Buck Goroski* (Assistant Match Secretary)
*via Google remote login

  1. Donations:
    1. Trailer Advertisement – $1000.00 donation for 2 magnets for Recess Beer Garden and Campus Lounge by owner.
    2. Ted will write up a thank you for all donations.
    3. A donation ($50) will make a person a voting member of CSOB and the period will last a year from time donation was given
    4. Right now, a person can pay via
      1. Cash
      2. Check
      3. Paypal
      4. Keith is working on people being able to use VISA
    5. Vote – “Board members do not have to pay the $50 to be a voting member.”
      1. Motion passed – 4 aye, 2 nay (Keith & Buck)
  2. Old Fools Day:
    1. Cook Park Rugby Field
    2. Use Google Sheets for sign up
    3. Clubs / Who is reaching out
      1. Harlequins – Paul
      2. Queen City – Bill
      3. Highlanders – Bill
      4. Littleton Scots – Bill
      5. Mauraders – Keith
      6. Rush – Bill
      7. NoCo – Daren (Keith?)
      8. Boulder – Brad  (contact Chris Biety)
      9. Barbarians – ?
      10. Water Dogs – ?
      11. Colorado Springs – Paul
  3. Honoring Fred
    1. New Kit to have a “In Honor of Fred” on them.
    2. Paul is looking into Hall of Fame Jersey
  4. Aspen Ruggerfest
    1. Time Frame?  August or Sept?
    2. What age groups are going to be represented?  60+?
    3. $600 Registration Fee
    4. Push for Cups and Mugs
  5. First Aid / CPR
    1. Will take 2 weeks at least to schedule.
    2. Will be a 4 hour class
    3. $55 per person – suggestion is a paying member to pay $5 to attend, non-members will pay the $55
    4. Possible locations to investigate.
      1. VFW
      2. YMCA
    5. Board to reach out to the clubs and Paul to let RMR and TRY rugby know that we’re organizing a course.
  6. Tours – need to get a list and pass it by board to decide.
    1. Netherlands – probably not going to happen.
    2. Golden Oldies – October time frame – Florida
    3. Wyoming Tour
  7. Teddy Touch:
    1. Need to find a consistent couple of locations.
    2. March 19th at Sloans Lake
  8. Secretaries job as related to 501c3
    1. Minutes of meetings
    2. Have meetings in a open public domain
    3. Tax documents to be done (in conjunction with treasurer)
  9. End of Season Party
    1. Nov 12th – 2 weeks before Thanksgiving
    2. Need 6 weeks’ notice for any event.
    3. Need 3 to 6 months for any longer event.